For children

  • Customer:  Hello, is the chi liquid formula and black vacuum safe to take for a 5 year old?
    Dr. Li Ox:  I wouldn’t choose the CHI for 5 years old as they may not like the taste ... they like the Ambrosia  ... and the Black Vacuum are also good ... small dose ...

    Customer:  Do I give my 5 year old a whole black vacuum pill. Or 1/4 of one? And on an empty stomach and can he eat right after or wait?
    Dr. Li Ox:  half should be enough though ... He can chew and good to drink warm water afterwards. Empty stomach is ok but not necessary

    Customer: The 1 day colon cleanse was recommended by homeopath for my 8 year old son. I have purchased but reading through instructions it’s a lot of liquid to consume in 1 day. Is it recommended to do over a few days instead of 1 for that age?
    Dr. Li Ox: Yes, It is always advised to cleanse ... Cleansing is strengthening the body ... If it is a cold then better wait until the cold is over but if it a chronic issue then yes one must move forward and cleanse. For your 8 year old boy, we recommend extend the 1-day cleanse to 2 or 3 days.

    Customer: Hi I would like to know what you recommend for a 17 year old non verbal autistic boy
    If you think that your  boy can commit in drinking the 10 packs of the intestinal cleanse then you should do this ... 
    Dr. Li Ox: If not then you should give him Mycelia and Fiber Crystals, Black Vacuum and Quantum Particles or Maintenance Package 

    Customer: Can my four year old do a cleanse? She has parasites that we have been trying to get rid of for a very long time.
    Dr. Li Ox: 4 years old is too young to do cleanse. You can use our liquid, pills and powder enzymes.

    Customer: What the minimum age is for using these kits (ONE, FORGIVE, RAINBOW)?
    Dr. Li Ox: You can use our cleanse kit for at least 14 years old child. For younger one, you can extend the 1-day cleanse to 2 or 3 days. We also suggest to use the liquid enzymes and pills for kids.

    Customer: I was wondering if a child, of the age of 10, with severe asthma could take and benefit from the new Inspire cleanse? And if so, what the doseage would look like with that. 
    Dr. Li Ox: Same dosage. Asthma ... the root cause can also be intestinal issues ... inflammation

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