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When the eight leading causes of death are all tied to lifestyle choices that lead to the clogging of our system due to back ups to toxicity, it's clear that our approach to health needs to shift. Modern methods often focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying factors contributing to chronic illnesses. A root cause approach recognizes that the factor of body toxicity plays a pivotal role in our overall health. By addressing first this root, we don’t only prevent but also reverse many of the conditions that lead to decades of suffering and premature death. Moreover it promotes a healthier and a more vibrant life.
Our Five Element Detox & Rejuvenation System is a comprehensive, whole-body self-care approach designed to cleanse and rejuvenate every layer of the body. This system is grounded in the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a time-honored practice that views the body as an interconnected system where balance and harmony are key to overall health.
The foundation of this detox and rejuvenation system lies in addressing the five main drainage pathways of the body, each of which corresponds to one of the five primary body systems: digestive, biliary, circulatory, respiratory, and urinary. By focusing on these pathways, our system ensures that the body’s natural processes of elimination and detoxification are functioning at their best, allowing for optimal synergy among these systems.
By addressing each of these pathways with blends of plants enzymes that have been fermented for a period of three years, through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Five Element Detox & Rejuvenation System not only cleanses the body but also strengthens it. The goal is to restore and maintain the body’s natural balance, ensuring that all systems work together harmoniously for optimal health.
This holistic approach is designed not just to target symptoms but to support the body's inherent ability to heal and rejuvenate itself. Through this system, individuals can experience a profound sense of well-being, as their bodies are cleansed, revitalized, and brought back into balance and full vibrancy.
Cleansing the intestinal tract from mouth to anus is essential as it is the entry point of the external energy that we draw in through food and also because it is the primary sewage system of the body. Gradually, since birth, we’ve been eating, digesting, and expelling feces, but not all of it. The small intestine’s function is the gateway between our food and blood. It is a long track where the food is broken down into nutrients, and that exchange happens with the blood. Clogging this hollow tube creates malabsorption and weakens our overall energy and health. Like a sewage pipe, a portion of gunk has accumulated gradually along the intestinal lining, making “mucoid plaque.” Mucoid plaque in the intestines creates atoxic backup in our system.
LAYER 1 - INTESTINAL CLEANSECleansing the liver can be one of the most critical steps to a well-functioning, healthful lifestyle. The liver is a filter that eliminates anything from within the body that doesn’t belong. The liver regulates most chemical levels inthe blood and excretes a product called bile which helps carry away waste products from the liver. When toxic and stressed, the liver lowers its functions, such as secreting enzymes for digestion and absorption of nutrients. Deprived of nutrition, the body gets demineralized and creates energy by drawing on its reserves. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver, breaking down and processing the blood, creating nutrients. If toxicmatters have entered the bloodstream, the liver is the first internal organ toget intoxicated and eventually clogged. When clogged up, the liver and the gallbladder accumulate toxins, cholesterol, and mucus, into gallstones. Atoxic and saturated liver allows unwanted particles into the circulatory system and represents the downfall of our health as toxicity spreads throughout our system.
LAYER 2 - LIVER CLEANSEIn the modern living environment, industries and smokers produce many toxic substances in the air. This pollution makes human lungs and blood subject to a large degree of toxicity, causing a series of related diseases and thus endangering health and human life. The main functions of the lungs are to absorb fresh oxygen, discharge carbon dioxide, and exhaust gas the human body does not need. Every important energy supply activity in the body requires oxygen, and if breathing is poor, it can lead to various diseases in the body. The lungs are the most delicate organ in the human body. This is the only organ directly connected with nature, so it is very vulnerable to the external toxicity of the world that invades the body through this organ.
LAYER 3 - LUNG CLEANSEThe blood is a vital fluid that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells, removes waste products from the cells, and plays a critical role in regulating body temperature, pH, and fluid balance. The ZenCleanz FLOW helps cleanse the blood vessels by breaking down substances contributing to plaque buildup and inflammation. The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, and the tonsils. The lymphatic system manages internal waste produced by the cells. There is no heart to pump the lymph in the body; only movements can do so. The body’s blood flow takes minutes to circulate, whereby our lymph flow takes a day. The natural enzymes in this cleanse drain and promote the breaking up of mucus and cleansing of the lymphnodes, allowing for better lymph and blood circulation.
LAYER 4 - BLOOD & LYMPH CLEANSEHealthy kidneys filter about half a cup of blood per minute, eliminating waste and additional water for urination. They are designed to eliminate toxins and waste from the body daily. If they don’t, they store excess waste, which will eventually encumber the normal functions of the kidneys, liver,and other organs. Over time, this waste build-up leads to exhaustion, stomach pain, headaches, water retention, and other problems. This accumulation can also lead to kidney stones, masses of crystals, or unprocessed minerals that can grow to the size of a golf ball. Cleansing the kidneys improves your ability to process certain foods, absorb nutrients, and convert food to energy while preventing fatigue. The ORIGIN cleanse helps prevent viral invasion, promotes liver detoxification, reduces the risk of bladder problems, and strengthens kidney function.
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SEE MORE'It usually takes a lot of treatments to do what that cleanse did in 24 hours without much discomfort.'
'I have emerged from the process with a deeper understanding and personal involvement in my own healing process/journey.'
'A great amount of mucoid plaque came out over 2 days. I feel so light and ready to face again my daily responsibilities.'
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