Pineapple just like what it looks on its outside is an exceptional broom for our intestine. It contains unique nutrients but moreover very unique enzymes that addresses what  no other fruits do  and reduce inflammation.

Native to Paraguay, pineapples name comes from the Spanish word "piña" which means "pinecone".Technically, it's not one fruit, but 100 to 200 fruits joined together!

Pineapples are a nutrient dense powerhouse! They are cholesterol and fat free, and packed with vitamins (A, Bs & C) and minerals (magnesium, iron). Vitamin A and beta-carotenes provide antioxidants for immune system support and eyesight protection. Vitamin C also boosts your immune system and reduces the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and colon cancer. The B vitamins offers what's needed for healthy cell and body fluid maintenance, heart rate regulation, and blood pressure.

Pineapple also contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps in the treatment of wounds, infected sinuses and arthritis. It also has cancer-fighting capabilities.

So next time you're making a kebab, lettuce or fruit salad, stir fry or salsa add pineapple to receive it's boostalishous benefits!

By Daniel Li Ox


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