So much joy and excitement is in often triggered in many people when we see this berry. It is for many a symbol of the beginning of summer, and it also represents a pit-less-easy to eat fruit. Not too sweet, not too sour rare are the people disliking strawberries. But they are more than that the feed you with important nutrients and carry powerful healing properties. Have a look at this article that will tell you more:

Strawberries are not fruits, but in fact perennial herbs. One of their most unique quirks is that they wear their seeds on the outside. Folk remedies believed that the herb, leaves, and root of wild strawberries can cure throat infections, melancholy, fainting, inflammation, kidney stones, bad breath, fevers, gout, and diseases of the blood and vital organs.

Strawberries are rich in minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, copper, fluoride and iodine) which support healthy red blood cells. The are an excellent source of vitamin C (one serving contains 160 percent of the daily recommended allowance) which provides outstanding free radical antioxidant protection and blood glucose leveling abilities. They are also rich in folate, which is especially important for pregnant women and a good source of fiber, antioxidants and flavonoids.

Studies show that strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries all contain chemicals proven to shield against cervical and breast cancer. They are a rich source of phytonutrients (anthocyanins, ellagitannins, flavonols, terpenoids, phenolic and ellagic acids) which demonstrate anti-inflammatory properties. Strawberries also contain neurological disease-fighting and anti-aging compounds.

This charming herb is low in calories and fats, making them a guilt free sweet … Nutritionally, they are best eaten naturally and fresh! However, a little pot of organic dark chocolate to dip them in never hurt anyone :) It's no wonder they're a symbol of love and passion around the globe!

By Daniel Li Ox


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