This number seems exaggerated but it has a name: Mega-Colon! A person who is following a modern processed food diet hardly gets fibers that are only found in vegetables. Fibers are the broomers of the intestines, they maintain a certain level of sanity in the digestive tract. Since nowadays, most foods accessible in regular supermarkets and mainstream restaurants have been processed the body’s digestive system starts to accumulate layers of plaque that can reach unimaginable levels. These accumulations are at the root of illnesses like: Mega-Colon, Leaky Gut syndrome, Diverticulitis, and many other sides effects like high blood pressure, cancers, skin issues and the list could go on. Health problems occur way before one gets to that size. A normal person can easily reach 5kg if he/she doesn’t cleanse and still experience nasty side effects.


By Daniel Li Ox


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