Food allergies are not always triggered by food. They are often the result of a cumulative build up of other allergens in the body.

There are over 100,000 new chemical additives and xenoestrogens that have been added to the environment in the last 50 years alone that could have made their way into your food and water supply that could be contributing to your allergy problems. Also, any number of vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to the problem. What can you do about it?

Supplementing with Digestive enzymes might indeed be helpful since they help break down the complex proteins in many of the foods that do not digest properly and that create circulating immune complexes that contribute to allergies. Proteolytic enzymes like bromelain per example can help clean out those circulating immune complexes.

You might also want to supplement with a good antioxidant formula, since that helps tone down allergic responses. Sometimes this alone can make a major difference.

And finally, a good colon and liver detox may be the two most important things you can do to reduce your body’s over-response to allergens.

– Jon Barron

By Daniel Li Ox


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