The body functions need 3 kinds of enzymes: Metabolic (systemic), Digestive, and Food enzymes. Digestion only requires 4 different categories of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down macronutrients into micronutrients, which can be easily absorbed by the cells. Starch is converted into glucose by amylase, protein into amino acids by protease and fats into fatty acids by lipase. Each enzyme has its own unique function. We require all of those to work together in order to realize all the different movements and skills needed for daily life. Enzymes are the power behind all actions and reactions of life, they promote and catalyze all muscle movements, nerve conduction, heartbeat, breathing, thinking, digestion, tissue repair, construction, strengthening and detoxification processes. 
The fewer the enzymes in our body, the faster we age. The more enzymes we have, the healthier we are … as simple as that! Apart from cellulase (which can only be sourced from plants), the human body is capable of producing all the enzymes it needs. 
So why are many of us running on an enzyme deficit? The answer lies in the types of food we eat. Modern food processing techniques and all types of cooking (over 50°C) destroy almost 100% of the enzymes naturally occurring in food. Exposure to elevated temperatures and low pH leaves the modern diet devoid of any enzyme activity. Digestive enzymes from food should take the responsibility for as much as 75% of the digestive task. But when our food is ‘empty’ (no enzymatic value) this burden falls completely on the digestive organs. It takes a huge amount of energy to digest food, and when there is no support from diet or supplemental enzymes, our body becomes over-worked and tired. A primary indicator of an over-worked digestive system is feeling sleepy after a meal. The number of enzymes in the body are directly proportional to the amount of energy we have.

As we get older, enzyme levels gradually decrease. We die when enzyme levels become too low to meet our metabolic needs. As enzyme levels decrease, we become susceptible to disease. In order to rebalance this, dietary changes are required. But in today’s world, our environment is also compromised and there are other factors to consider. Air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, western medicine, preservatives, etc, all have a direct impact on enzyme function.

Maintaining good health can sometimes feel like a minefield, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. By simply ingesting enough enzymes through diet and supplementation, we can ensure our rate of metabolism remains steady, therefore preserving and cultivating health.There are two ways to ingest enzymes. The first is through eating raw food, and the second is to take an enzyme supplement.

However, relying solely on raw food as the only source of enzymes is problematic. It is difficult to ingest enough raw food to rebalance enzyme levels, and environmental factors can also compromise their safety and enzymatic value. In addition, we do not know what enzymes, and how many, the body is lacking. The safest, most convenient and effective solution to this problem is to take a composite enzyme supplement. (www.ZenCleanz.Life)

By Daniel Li Ox


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